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Latest Investment Platform In Town

Am not here to bore you with some old cheap talk as you have heard before. Am just here to inform you of the latest peer-to-peer donation platform that will be launched in October.

www.rightchoicepay.com is a new peer-to-peer donation site with the aim of eradicating poverty, helping small businesses grow, and helping students have some extra cash in their pockets. You know the best thing about rightchoicepay? You don't need referrals to get paid. Our system automatically merges you to get paid, and you can auto purge.

After carrying out thorough research as to why other systems fail, rightchoicepay has set up rules and guidelines for a lasting and more transparent system, with God fearing admins at work and readily available to answer any queries or concerns.

At rightchoicepay 50% of your investment is guaranteed within 6 hours. And merging is done batch by batch. It's a first come first serve basis. No favoritism.
We hope to make the society a better place in our own little way.
Register now @ www.rightchoicepay.com

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