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Kiss of death! Mom shares heartbreaking photos of her baby son who contracted herpes from a stranger 

- Samantha noticed blisters around her one-year old son late in July

- She later took the infant for further medical examination where the kid tested positive for herpes

- The devastated mother revealed that she did not know who infected her son with virus

- And now, she is sharing photos of her child with the blisters to caution other parents to be careful

A Lowa mother has taken the bold step of sharing heartbreaking images of her one-year old baby son veiled with blisters after he reportedly tested positive for herpes.

According to the Daily Mail, the mother, identified as Samantha Rodgers uncovered that she could not tell who might've infected her son with the virus.

She further added that she was devastated with her son's condition, considering that it is an enduring problem.

She doesn't know who gave Juliano (pictured) the virus, but now he will have to deal with it for the rest of his life. Courtesy: Mail Online

She is said to have decided to share the grim photos of her child, with red rankles in and around his mouth, as an approach to caution parents to be wary about who they let close to their infants.

Rogers first took note of her baby's condition a couple of days ago, but specialists dismissed her saying the baby could have contracted a flu or just a mouth infection.

On July 21, Rodgers noticed he had red blisters in and around his mouth, but doctors just told her he had the flu or just a bad case of Hand Foot and Mouth disease. Courtesy: Mail Online

Despite the fact that the virus, which is known to cause mouth blisters, is ordinarily harmless in grown-ups, it is considered to a great degree perilous for infants because of their susceptible immune system.

Rodgers just hopes that now other parents will be more aware of who they let near their children. Courtesy: Mail Online

There was also another incident where an infant died ten days after contracting herpes from a kiss by a female family friend.

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